Homily on Easter Sunday

He told the parishioners that “your old pastor died” and put this message on the parish bulletin board. However, when he was very busy preparing for Holy Week, his personality came back again. One parishioner wrote below his message on the bulletin board “and he resurrected after three days! Alleluia.”

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Cuộc đời Chúa Giê su trong Tin Mừng Gioan

Xin giới thiệu Chúa Giê-su trong sứ vụ công khai theo nhãn quan của Tin mừng thứ tư, để qua đó chúng ta thấy được Chúa Giê-su chính là Đấng Ki-tô, và qua các việc làm cũng như lời giảng dạy của Ngài mà có thể hé mở cho chúng ta hiểu được Thiên Chúa và mức độ hoàn hảo của con người mà chúng ta có thể trở thành.

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The major themes as well as the significance of Pope Pius XII’s encyclical Mystici Corporis Christi

Mystici Corporis Christi is a papal encyclical issued by Pope Pius XII during World War II, on the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ. Its significance is shown the theological views which rejected two extreme views of the Church, namely rationalistic or purely sociological understanding of the Church and exclusively mystical understanding of the Church.

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Scriptural Perspective and Church’s Teaching on Homosexual Acts

Homosexuality is a topic that draws considerable attention from society. Because this is a complicated issue with deep emotional implications for many people, it is necessary to distinguish homosexual orientations and acts. One is determined to be a homosexual “if he or she (1) is attracted physically or erotically by persons of his or her own sex; (2) usually has no similar attraction to the opposite sex; and (3) in many instances has a positive revulsion for sexual acts with a member of the opposite sex.”

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